So, it’s thesis season for one of our degree programs, and I’m reading and commenting on theses for several; I assigned weekly short papers for one of my classes this term (why did I not remember that that meant I would have to read weekly papers, too); I redesigned my courses this term, so I don’t have course materials in a file somewhere for either one of them; I have an essay on my desk to referee for an editorial board; and today, the manuscript of the book that’ll include last year’s Winslow Lectures arrived for copy-editing. At the same time, the production editor of the other book coming out this year emailed me to say that they were sending the manuscript out for typesetting, and I should expect to see it soon for copy-editing, and I should be ready to prepare a bibliography and indexes of authors and biblical passages.
I’ll tackle what I can tomorrow, then (after class Friday morning) head out for the headquarters of the Human Rights Campaign, where I’ll give them my perspective on their impending series of preaching helps. I’m not sure I’m exactly the right guy for that assignment, but we’ll try it on and see.
Meanwhile, David has been keynoting and blogging wonderfully at the Information Architecture Conference , Jeneane is getting boggled by Blogger, Dave noticed something helpful that Don wrote about Warcraft a couple of months ago. And Margaret and I will meet Pascale for dinner on Saturday night, making the in-person connection to complement our online friendship.
Apart from that, not much is going on here.
As a former staff person at HRC back in the late 90s, I am impressed that they are using you as a resource, perhaps showing a sophistication about faith that probably didn’t exist when I worked there.
It’s a pairing that doesn’t easily come to my mind’s eye, but I hope it has a good outcome.