Aspiring Scholar Wanted

Up Front: The following is solely word-of-mouth, not a binding commitment or an assured fact.
Word has reached my ears that the University of Glasgow staff in the area of Theology and Religious Studies will have a scholarship to offer, including a stipend plus housing plus all fees paid, for a Dissenter (possibly a dissenting minister, I’m not sure) — no Anglicans nor Presbyterians need apply, but we think the various flavours of (Ana)Baptist, Quakers, presumably Congregationalists, would meet the requirement. For background, read up on the remarkable Dr Daniel Williams, who stipulated that a bursary from his Trust be used on behalf of a Dissenting postgraduate student at our fair University (one of the few where Dissenters were allowed to study back in the day).
From what I hear, the stipend and accommodations will be generous, and if I do say so myself, the teaching staff are top-notch. Ahem — especially if you’re interested in biblical studies. Ahem, koff koff.
Please spread the word! Interested parties should, I suspect, contact not only us at Glasgow, but also Dr David Wykes at Dr Williams’s Trust.

8 thoughts on “Aspiring Scholar Wanted

  1. As long as you can convince Dr Williams’s Trust, you’re OK with us. The definition of “Dissenting” (or “Non-conforming”) rests in their hands, not ours.

  2. I am seriously interested. I am definitely a dissenter, in both denomination and personality. I am definitely aspiring, but not quite sure if I am a scholar. To whom should I address any correspondence regarding this possibility.

  3. And just when I was sure that being a Mennonite wasn’t going to help me with anything! 🙂

  4. Everyone, enquire with Dr Williams’s Trust and the Theology Department; I’m a publicist, not on the awards committee. But I’d be thrilled if y’all would follow this up; it’s a wonderful response, within only a few hours of posting the news!

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