A number of people were paying attention when I gave my talks, and some of them blogged, tweeted, or otherwise recorded their assessments. Bex summarised my Saturday talk, and to my Monday talk in a variety of media: one clip of me mid-talk, live-blogged her impression of what I was arguing, took a picture of me, and solicited a summary comment from me (photo with a terrifying grin). But my favourites of all were the comments by Tractorgirl, who had thought I would turn out to be “a product of the DIY rave culture” when I turned out actually to be “a middle aged bloke in a suit” — she thought I “did a great session with a poncy name which was better summed up by the sub-title ‘Ourselves, Our Archives and our Avatars’.” (The poncy title was given me by the organisers.) In a later post, she said, “Akma was great and his thoughts weren’t random. He was great and v. funny although the serious academics either seemed not to get his jokes or just failed to laugh.” Thank you so much, Tractorgirl!
Thanks for the appreciation of the comments, but more for the session. It was really interesting to hear from somebody who did was part of “the culture” but also had the “professional credentials” to be talking with authority in the academic setting.
Glad you appreciate the range of media which I used to capture our experiences over the weekend! Glad I got a chance to FULLY engage on the Monday!