Clear morning, cool temps (around 10°), very high pollen count, and my groin strain was sensitive yesterday, so I opted not to time this morning’s run, but rather to take it slow, with short steps, and go a wee bit further. So I have no time to report, but it would have been around ten minutes, I’d guess. Morning Office, fruit breakfast, and spent the rest of the day banging my head against examining.
It will come as no surprise to some who have worked with Virtual Learning Environments that I find this process very much more onerous online than I do with good old paper exams. And no, I’m not going to print out every bit of paper I’m examining; it would actually make the process more humane, but my environmental consciousness won’t let me run through a ream of paper and several tanks of ink in order to make myself more comfortable for three or four days.
By the end of the afternoon, I had no reliable brain cells. Luckily, two friends came over to celebrate the [very conservative, in our practice] opening up of social contact, so Margaret and I shared dinner from Majliss, wine, ice cream, and jolly conversation with them.