Today dawned clear, cool, calm, high humidity and with an extremely high pollen count. My legs felt leaden, and I didn’t push; I got home in 9:45. I’ve commented before on how unpredictable my times are — I don’t know what specific factors have drawn me back to these slower times after having trimmed my mile to nearly nine minutes flat, but whatever the cause, it’s not a new phenomenon.
Morning Office, fruit breakfast, head down to finish the first volume of LEgends… and I did it, along with a rapid pass through the volume for any obvious typos. Tomorrow will be a reading day, and then I’ll give another scan for typos. But since it’s about 800 A5 pages, I think I’ll open it for distribution on a beta basis, and let other eyes do the checking for me. (That’s all the more justifiable since Ginzberg left numerous typos, some fairly obvious (‘emeny’?) for me to correct.)
Margaret prepared a harmonious hash of potatoes, tofu, herbs, and other supporting veg, along with beetroot and asparagus and peppers; and we started the third series of The Crown.