Margaret packed our goods up first thing in the morning, and then cleaned and sorted, we made our way to Madhavi’s home, where we spent the middle of the day reading or chatting or taking Gabriel for a walk. At afternoon’s end, we gathered at the Ship Inn in Elie, enjoyed a delicious dinner with Madhavi and Michael (and Gabriel, of course), at the end of which all stayed for pudding except Gabriel and me, who (being restive) stepped out of the Inn and walked back and forth on the pavement, meeting by blind chance a former student, and being lauded as ‘gorgeous, just gorgeous’ (sadly, I think the woman in question was speaking only of Gabriel).
Madhavi then drove us to the rail station, we boarded the evening train to Edinburgh, then clambered aboard the Sleeper for our trip home. There was a mix-up of some kind with the compartment we had booked, so we were bumped up to a compartment with en suite bathroom (which included a shower!). The shower seemed too unwieldy to us, and we were timetabled to arrive in Euston early in the morning, so we opted out of that feature.