The temperatures were still warm this morning (12°, near optimum) at the time for my morning run. Then Morning Office, Mass, fruit breakfast, and to break up my concentration on Ambrose I strolled into town to buy some black trousers. Much to my shock, both of the traditional men’s clothiers in the city centre had only cursory offerings in black (if you can’t find black formal trousers in Oxford, where — I ask you — can you find them?). I reluctantly approached the Westgate, disliking shopping centres as I do, but when I stepped into Moss Bros., the manager greeted me warmly, showed me directly to the sort of trousers I was after, and offered a matching jacket to make a suit, all for less than I had expected to pay just for two pairs of trousers. I was so chuffed at this success, I would probably buy groceries from Moss Bros. if they offered them. If you go in, ask for Emily and tell her that the peculiar clergyman who bought a suit from her the other day sent you.
Meandered home for lunch, then realised that there were only two hours until the Sodality rosary (led by the Abp of York, our new patron). Then after rosary and chat with the Archbishop, I walked with Margaret down to Christ Church where we prayed Evensong with the returning choir (in remarkably good sound, considering that it’s just the beginning of the year for them). Then we visited the Subdean and Jamie in their resplendent new digs in Tom Quad, did our part to eliminate any risk of a wine surplus, and made our merry way home just in time to have a late snack and turn in. A lovely day in almost every way.