Just Thinking

Isn’t all change “exact change”? How would you get hold of an “approximately thirty cents” piece? And if someone handed you one, how would you make change? “Let’s see: roughly sixty-five cents minus thirty-four cents makes just about thirty-one cents. Sorry — I have a somewhere-around-seventy-nine cent piece, but all I have for small change is exact amounts.”

Brought to you by the “recently spent thirty hours driving, many of them on toll roads” department.

4 thoughts on “Just Thinking

  1. Couldn’t one interpret “all” as all those people who are paying with change? It is a bit unclear, I agree. Glad you are all home safe. And I enjoyed the pictures! xxx, Mom

  2. In the early 19th century in Indiana, settlers, if they had currency, sometimes had spanish coins that were broken into bits at the general store (hence, the 8 bits to the dollar rhyme). So I suppose that the bits were approximate change.

  3. All change really isn’t exact, though. If you only have 2 quarters, you do need the 15 cents back when paying for the 35-cent toll.

    If you’re really cheap, that is. I know I am.

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