A beautiful morning for a run, apart from pollen and somewhat more humidity than I’d prefer — but clear, temperate, and I was limber and strong. I saw many more people on my run than I used to during the lockdown; the number’s been rising gradually, but today was practically a normal day for foot traffic, and only modestly less busy for road traffic. I saw no masks, but this was all outside, and we passed one another without crowding, and (acknowledging that I stopped to vanquish Pokémon) I ran the mile in 9:04. Morning Office, fruit breakfast, and a whole sequence of complications involving a Kindle going through the wash with a load of laundry. Just a bit of extra stress on the day before a busy day.
The day ended on a more settled note. I spent some time on Legends (if only there were some reward for it other than the satisfaction!), read for research, and at the end of the day we watched more Detective Caïn. We’ve gone off it, really, but may give it another episode or two just to be sure.