
A brisk 9°, but pleasantly limber all the way, light clouds, steady pace, two miles.

Yesterday was stressful. Margaret and I had to make a decision between the conflicting interviews, so we did; but since there’s a strong chance (in any given search process) I won’t be called to the option we chose, the pathway to recrimination and doubt lies wide open. At the same time, the discernment provided the occasion for clarifying my general job-seeking status. We popped round the corner for a celebratory round (and chips), then back home because I had a late afternoon appointment.

A research colleague had asked for a formal interview relative to my work as a biblical specialist in light of my autism. I don’t like talking about autism, and I don’t like talking about myself, so this was an off-putting prospect. My colleague and her assistant, though, conducted the conversation as gracefully and lightly and patiently as one could ask, so that we ran long over the designated time. I hope the interview yields useful material for her.


A very good run this morning, if 10° isn’t a bit too chilly, limber legs all the way and a good steady pace. I don’t enjoy running, Dave, but I do rather like being alive, and it seems clear that I’m more likely to live longer if I keep my circulation, oxygenation, and metabolism in good nick.

We’re having a very stressful week, as several interviews have popped up all at once (trying to get thiem in before the end of the month, I suppose), two of which conflict. They’re very different opportunities, but it would have been much simpler if they’d come up one by one and we could have considered each on its merits (assuming one had chosen me); the forced choice is clarifying some general principles for me, but I very much wish I could just let them emerge, engage, and pass me by without the pain of having to decline an invitation to interview.

Two, Two, Miles (Now With Dave)

Each of the last mornings has been grey, about 13°, ominous with rain but without actual precipitation, my legs moderately limber, and proceeding at a satisfactory pace. Two more two miles-es.

Great to see Dave running — pardon me, ‘exercising’ — along with me. I’ve never run more than the two miles that’s my daily mark, so his deprecatory remarks about his two-and-a-half miles not being a marathon, not being a half marathon or 15K or even 5 miles amounts (to my ears) as a mark of an Olympian returned to mortal distances. But again, it’s great to think of him running along with, or more likely past, me. This is somewhat the way I think of the communion of saints: the common participation in a shared exercise, not necesssarily in the same space, nor in the same time, but following a common path.

You know that I never go outdoors without a hat (as a civilised gentleman), but I make an exception for running; so Dave, I tip my hat to you metaphorically, but not literally, as you whiz past me along the Iffley Road.

Ten, Two

A slightly cool 10° under clearing skies, legs didn’t feel bad, good pace, good run — another two miles. It was a bit surprising because I felt neither sluggish nor energetic, but made a good run in a good time.

Time Is Close

Today I made my appointment with the physical therapist to whom my doctor referred me. Quoth Trevor, “They are so going to immobilize that thumb, dude.” Quoth I (with fingers in ears), “Neener, neener — I can’t hear you, Trevor!”

This is just far too ironically timed. I put this up last night and read your post this morning:

(If it’s not clickable, click on the ‘TjL’ link)

I wonder how long it will take before Ethan learns to say “Neener Neener”… presently “No” seems to be sufficient.

Posted by: TjL at May 5, 2004 07:31 AM

And of course, by “ironically timed” I mean “predestined.”

Posted by: TjL at May 5, 2004 07:32 AM

A New Push

14°, grey but no mist or rain, my lifter-upper muscles were a bit sore after a good vigorous run yesterday, took things at a moderate pace, and racked up another two miles.

Last night a friend urged me to apply for another post, for which they thought me ideal; I had thought I didn’t meet the qualifications, but they urged me to apply, saying that the overall hopes of the congregation were for someone just like me. That confidence in me, along with the upcoming interview, raise my spirits a little, and I’m feeling somewhat (extremely cautiously) restored to a more positive outlook.

Two (Miles) and One (More Application)

13° but with a chill in the air due to very, very light rain and very light breezes, grey skies (obvs, given that it was raining), but limber and generally physically comfortable, some pollen, a good (but not intense) pace, and two more miles. Then a very welcome cup of coffee — ah!

No more invitations to interview, but I finished another application, and don’t foresee sending out more for the near future. At a certain point, assuming nobody hires me, we’ll have to take a break and regroup while we put our possessions into storage and take shelter with friends. Then, if it still makes sense, I can begin applying again. For now, I’ll hope for the best with the applications at hand.

Morning Two

12°, clear, limber (but with a few twinges in ankles and knees), high pollen, and a decent pace = another two miles.

As if in answer to my plaint, I’ve been invited to interview for a post, and I have another four or five applications floating out there like a fisherman’s bobbers. I’m not expecting anything from any of this — after a year of fruitless applications, it’s hard to be positive about processes in which one still has only a one in four (or so) chance of succeeding, and short-encounter social interaction is about my least favourable circumstance — but ‘one interview’ increases my chances vastly over ‘no interviews,’ so I’m warmly thankful for that. (I checked: it’s four other, all part-time, which reminds me to send a couple of notes asking people I know about the chance of complementary part-time work in those locations.) And we’re coming up on the ed of the week, when new openings are announced, so who knows that the future holds?

Same Again

13 degrees, clear skies, weary legs, but plodded ahead and completed another two miles.

I’m at a painfully awkward spot in my job search. We have to leave our current home in September, but I have absolutely no idea what will come next. We won’t be left entirely homeless — friends have offered a refuge — but if we take them up on that kindness, we’ll have to put almost everything into storage, and I’ll still have no full-time work (and only a tiny part-time income). Having the responsibility to provide for M. and myself both, and having been turned down for more than a year’s worth of applications, and trying to be a good emotionally-supporting husband while continuing to fire out applications, all not mentioning research/writing obligations that hang over me, all gets a bit much some days.

Waves a Hanky As the Bus Disappears Up Headington Hill

Got up a little extra early this morning, intermittent clouds and recent rain (but no on-going precipitation), 15°, weary legs but satisfactory if unambitious pace, another two miles.

I rose and ran early because today Nate left for home after his conference/visit in Oxford. It was great to see him, and to see him in Oxford where we’re more deeply rooted than we’ve been anywhere before. We had good talks, long walks, a lot of time resting, some delightful meals with refreshing beverages, and balm for our hearts. There’s a candle in the window for our family and friends, at least for the rest of the summer…

Four in Two

I did run my two miles yesterday in considerable heat, then ate breakfast, hurried to Fairacres, said the Mass, hurried to the King’s Arms to have Sunday dinner with Ed Watson and Kim, and at last sauntered home with Margaret and Nate, after which all settled down for a restful rest-of-day.

This morning the temperature is down to 13°, a very good temperature for running, my legs were limber but tired, my eyes and nose streaming from pollen, my pace adequate but undistinguished, but another two miles in the books.